Friday, May 16, 2008


For those of you who might have visited this humble town of Modesto you know how hot it can get. It is pretty much boiling today. The high was 105 and now at 6:00 it is still 103. Ugh. The temperature drains me which is a very bad thing since I moved just one short week ago. Once my computer is connected to the internet again (hopefully soon, but we have to get a new phone line added to the office and with it being this hot I feel to guilty to send the handyman up to the attic to do the work so I can waste time blogging) I will post pics of the house. For now I will just declare how grateful I feel for family and a few friends that have helped us out SO MUCH!!!


Robin said...

I had no idea Modesto was as hot as the desert. Huh. It's 111 here right now. I'm hibernating for the summer until we move... too hoooootttt.

Traci said...

That is not an encouraging comment from Robin seeing as how we are moving down there in August. That was very considerate of you, Laura, to wait on your internet.

Kurt & Rachel Keyser said...

It was 102 at my house in the BAY AREA last week. We don't even have A/C! So I went to Sacramento, where yes it was hotter, but thank goodness there was A/C!

Traci said...

Just so you know, I have been waiting forever for a post about your new house. Is your phone number still the same?